Tuesday, May 29

Believe it or not...

i still exist !

I was in Antigua then Turks and Caicos for work and i didnt wanna come back but i have to, at least for a few days...

Y do i never blog when i have free time ? probably because i'm sleeping ! I ALWAYS do it when i have deadlines, it's just better. The inspiration flows in ! But i have all those ideas that get lost because i dont write them down, i thought about gettin them in my blackberry but its full of all types of memos, and alerts, and messages so i dont wanna make things worse.

I moved again (for the xyzn'th time), but for the first time i didnt pack or unpack a single box, (thx Stephen !). There's no point in living by yourself and paying bills so your friends can come watch on-demand movies at ur place, instead i chose to live with them, lol, that might be the most stupid i've done in the past decade OR the most brilliant, we'll see...

I'm always "almost moving out" of this city, but it's always when i think i'm not gonna make it till the end of the month that i let myself go and i discover new places and have fun, and confirm my love for the city... i'm stayin lol... at least for now.

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Blogger ShawnQt said...

didnt know u was such a on the go person!

10:05 a.m.  
Blogger Jameil said...

you didnt pack or unpack a single box?!?! man if i had it like that, i would move all the time!

12:21 p.m.  
Blogger E said...

I can only imagine the difficulty of working while in a tropical environment. I'm glad you're staying put in Montreal for the time being. It sounds like the city has great things planned for the future.

Awww Stephen...I want a Stephen when I move...:-)

7:54 a.m.  
Blogger fuzzy said...

where in the city are you?

10:43 a.m.  

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