Friday, July 13

A very necessary update

First, i wanna thank the friends and fellow bloggers who contacted me and tried their best to check if i was ok and make me laugh...

So i was in nyc last week, mostly on vacation (worked a lil' here and there and a lot during the last weekend), had a good time thx once again to friends and fellow bloggers.. luv u guys
didnt get to see all the people i wanted to but not many people are available late nights and my schedule was a mess, maybe next time...

I was supposed to take a flight sunday night from nyc to montreal but my friend/coworker was sick so i flew to toronto instead, made sure the friend got home safely and then took the first flight the next morning to Montreal.
As i got here, my on-and-off ex/not-ex current-but-not-really boyfriend was there to pick me up. I was EXHAUSTED, LOST, SLEEPY, DYING, i was a zombie !
so of course i was going slow... and he was mad because i didnt tell him about the change of plans until he got to the airport the night be4, so this was his second trip to the airport in less than 12 hours, he had to sleep veery late and wake up very early because of me.
I was too tired to argue, explain, talk, anything...

I took some documents out of my laptop bag and let it open for a few seconds, just so i could find a number that was on a piece of paper somewhere...
He thought i was going fast enough so he grabbed the bag by a handle and pulled it to make me move faster. The bag opened up completely...
Thats when it happened :
my January 07 brand new Toshiba laptop hit the ground HARD !

He pulled the bag... my laptop fell... my laptop is now completely wasted
i was supposed to go to Paris for a month to work on a local project
100% of my information, contacts, work was on that laptop.
AS of today i have NOTHING except the poor 10% i backed up be4 going to nyc.

So i have no laptop, which is a 2500 $ waste
i have none of my work, which makes it impossible for me to go to Paris, at least not now, there IS no way i will get there without being prepared.
So i have 500 $ in ticket changes fees to pay and i'm losing at least a full week's paycheck
My friends are all in Europe, working... there is not even one person i talk to on a regular basis that's here
I decided not to have any kind of interaction with the human being that made all of this happen for an undetermined period of time for his security and my sanity, so basically i'm single.

Saying i'm by myself and i'm going through hell is really an understatement...
i don't know what i'm gonna do or if i'm gonna do anything

i havent slept since wednesday morning and we're friday the 13th.... great !
i'm mentally and physically dead and i can feel it going downhill...

Monday, July 9


My laptop just fell and broke in pieces...

If you have my number call me... really... i'm not okay