" Talking to
my friends, meeting them for dinner,
that's me...Travelling around the world to visit family and friends, bringing them
gifts, yep that's me...Laughing all the time, making others laugh,
that is also me...Partying every weekend, discovering new clubs, restaurants, lounges and cocktails,
that's definitely me...Being
passionate, considerate, loving and caring,
that's also me...Making
sacrifices for the people who are close to me,
it's hard but it's me...Doing my best so that i
never hurt them,
i try, i try, it's me too...
Smoking outside on the balcony
by myself at the end of fall ( when it's cold ) while everybody is inside partying,
it's sad but it's me...Not getting help when i need it the most, it's so shocking, people always assume that since it's me i'll always find a solution,
is that me ?Giving and not receiving as much as i give ( financially and emotionally ), it's disappointing, but well...
still meEnding up alone in my bed, angry, sad, it hurts so bad.... "
YES, all of the above... that
WAS me
A few weeks ago ( back in august ), I realized that i was doing wayyyyyy too much for people.
I mean i was calling them, visiting them, sending them e-mails, helping them when they were in trouble, i was trying to be
THERE but i was the only one doing so... the only one travelling, calling, helping, etc... they called me " soldier " because i'm known as the strongest of all the people around me, so... they thought i was ok 24/7. After all soldiers don't complain, they're strong, they just do what they gotta do...
If feels just like a beatdown but it's my feelings that are being hurt, not my body... when i'm the one who gives but never gets back, who always calls, who can take an 8hrs flight for 3 days in Paris...i always thought " i'm not crazy ! those things HAVE to be done, if nobody else does it, then thats their lives but personnally im doing what i should do "
ok, i was CRAZY, i was
COMPLETELY out of my mind.
I guess i was trying to compensate because i was studying HARD to maintain a 3.5+ GPA and my love life ( or lack of ) at times was... depressing.
But all those trips made me more and more exhausted, all those gifts made people think they didnt have to do anything to keep our relationship strong, all those calls were wasting my precious time... if i hadnt done all those things, i would have had more energy, more time to study, more money to take care of myself, and i wouldnt have never expected anybody to do anything for me... but i guess it was necessary for me to go through all that mess to REALLY understand certain things...
It struck me HARD, lightning couldnt have done better... i dont even recognize myself these days... I just go out when the mood, the people, the place, the time of the day, and the day of month, the weather, the finances,... when every single thing is perfect to me !
It just comes naturally, i like people if i like them... lol and that's just life, all the others ? they dont exist anymore ! i go out when i feel like going out, call when i feel like calling, social " obligations " dont exist anymore, sacrifices too ( i aint got kids yet and im already making sacrifices for people ? ),...
The result ? My finances are better, my classes seem easier, my schedule is crazy but as long as i do what i'm supposed
to, everything works out pretty fine...
thank you for allowing all those people to hurt me and disappoint me, really, it was a very necessary experience, it teached me an excellent lesson that i'm happy i learned without having to make terrible mistakes.
Remember back in August ( when i realized all of the above ), i said "
i'll grow from this " but i was so devasted i couldnt give any details, well i did, and i'm proud of myself.
Thank you for allowing me to meet better people now, if i had met them before i " grew ", we wouldnt have made it past the first minutes of a conversation, they would have never been " cool " enough for me, what a fool i was...
French expression of the day :
" Trop bon trop con "ยป If you're too good to people, you'll be taken for a fool "